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Maternal Early Childhood Sustained Home-visiting (MECSH)

MECSH logoMaternal Early Childhood Sustained Home-visiting (MECSH)

MECSH is an evidenced-based nurse home visiting program that helps families’ parent effectively despite the challenges and difficulties they face. Families are partnered with a nurse who will provide them with education on how to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Nurses will also help families set goals for themselves and provide them with resources to help achieve their goals. Families will learn positive parenting skills, ways to bond and play with their baby, and skills to access community resources.

Benefits of MECSH

  • MECSH is designed to support parents’ transition to parenthood as they learn to adapt and self-manage despite day-to-day challenges.
  • Improve parental and child health and well-being.
  • Support and model positive parent-infant interaction.
  • Promote positive parent-child relationships.
  • Help parents establish and achieve goals for themselves and their children.
  • Help parents foster relationships within their family and community.

Eligibility requirements of MECSH

  • Individuals who are pregnant
  • Up to 8 weeks from hospital discharge after baby was born
  • Live in service area

Nurse-Family Partnership

Parenting Help from Healthcare Professionals

Children don’t come with an instructional guide. So it’s only normal that new parents face challenges and doubt. In times like these, someone is here to help you. Nurse-Family Partnership is a community healthcare program that will connect you with a nurse home visitor. Through the visits, you will learn how you can best care for your child. Our goal is to help you become confident and assured in your parenting skills, so you and your child can look forward to a better future.

Nurse-Family Partnership is a free, evidence-based program designed to help pregnant women become successful, self-reliant parents. Our home visitor nurses start working with first-time parents while they are pregnant to prepare them for the challenges and the joys of parenthood. We help you develop new skills and feel confident in taking care of your child’s physical and emotional needs.

Benefits of Nurse-Family Partnership:

  • This is an evidence-based program proven to work.
  • We provide you with a variety of free educational resources.
  • We build on the parenting skills you already have to help you become self-reliant.

Eligibility Requirements for the Nurse-Family Partnership:

  • Prenatal first-time parents less than 28 weeks pregnant.
  • Not enrolled in any other home visiting program.
  • Income-based requirements based on household size.