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Healthy Families Arizona
Build a Healthy Family by Being a Healthy Parent
Everyone who is having a baby can feel overwhelmed. It’s important to know that it’s ok to ask for help, especially if you’re experiencing a number of challenges. Healthy Families Arizona is a free program that helps mothers and fathers become the best parents they can be. A Home Visitor will get to know you, and connect you with services based on your specific situation. The Home Visitor will work with you as needed throughout the first five years of your child’s life. Our goal is to build on your parenting skills and support you in your desire to make your family stronger.
Healthy Families Arizona is a free program designed to help pregnant women as well as mothers and fathers with their newborn baby and until the child is 2 years old. Our home visitors will help parents build the skills necessary to raise healthy, happy children and create a strong family. Healthy Families Arizona can help you if you feel you experience any barriers or obstacles to successful parenting.
Benefits of Healthy Families Arizona:
- We link families with community resources, health care, childcare, and housing.
- We help parents obtain education and employment.
- We provide child development, nutrition and safety education.
- We teach and support positive parent-child interaction.
- We provide developmental screenings to infants and referrals to resources if developmental delays are identified.
- We provide emotional support and encouragement to parents.
Eligibility Requirements of Healthy Families Arizona:
- Pregnant people and parents of newborns who face challenges that might be an obstacle to successful parenting.
- The infant must be under three months of age at enrollment.
- Mothers or fathers must show that the services are needed.
- The family must reside within the program’s target service area.
Early Head Start
Help for Low-Income Pregnant People and Children (age birth to five)
Head Start (for children 3-5) and Early Head Start (pregnant women and children 0-3) has a variety of program and service delivery options including Center Base, Home-Base, Combination (Home & Center) or Family Child Care. Each program incorporates an individualized approach to high-quality services for low-income pregnant women and children age birth to five. Families receive support and guidance from Head Start staff to become self-sufficient.
We understand how challenging it can be to be a parent. Early Head Start is a free parenting program that helps low-income parents and their children with home visits, education, and health screenings. Early Head Start can also help children who are in foster care, children experiencing homelessness, and children with a disability. We offer resources for pregnant women and help for new parents.
Benefits of Early Head Start:
- home visits
- child development education
- health screening and follow-up care
- parenting guidance and education
- services for special needs children
Eligibility requirements of Early Head Start:
- Children between the ages of 0-5 of families that meet the federal poverty guidelines and pregnant women who meet the federal poverty guidelines
- Children who are foster children
- Children who are homeless
- Children who are disabled (have IFSP or IEP)*