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Early Head Start

Help for Low-Income Pregnant People and Children (age birth to five)

Head Start (for children 3-5) and Early Head Start (pregnant women and children 0-3) has a variety of program and service delivery options including Center Base, Home-Base, Combination (Home & Center) or Family Child Care. Each program incorporates an individualized approach to high-quality services for low-income pregnant women and children age birth to five. Families receive support and guidance from Head Start staff to become self-sufficient.

We understand how challenging it can be to be a parent. Early Head Start is a free parenting program that helps low-income parents and their children with home visits, education, and health screenings. Early Head Start can also help children who are in foster care, children experiencing homelessness, and children with a disability. We offer resources for pregnant women and help for new parents.

Benefits of Early Head Start:

  • home visits
  • child development education
  • health screening and follow-up care
  • parenting guidance and education
  • services for special needs children

Eligibility requirements of Early Head Start:

  • Children between the ages of 0-5 of families that meet the federal poverty guidelines and pregnant women who meet the federal poverty guidelines
  • Children who are foster children
  • Children who are homeless
  • Children who are disabled (have IFSP or IEP)*