Blog Archives

Parent to Parent: Playdate Safety – S4E9

Playdates are a great way for kids to have fun and develop social skills. But before parents send their kids over to a friend’s house, it’s important to make sure that the environment they are playing in is safe by checking in with the parents. But this can be a tricky conversation to navigate.

Host Jessica Stewart Gonzalez sits down with Yomy Castillo, Injury Prevention Program Manager at the Arizona Department of Health Services. Together, they go through some methods for approaching these conversations with other parents.

FAA Family-Friendly Flying Tips – S4E6

Whether you’re planning your first family trip or you’ve done it before, flying with young children is challenging. With so many things to keep track of, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

Host Jessica Stewart Gonzalez visits with Jodi Baker, the Deputy Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), to learn tips and information to help make your family’s travel experience smooth.

Navigating Distractions with Kids in the Car – S4E5

Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of car crashes in Arizona. Like other distractions, kids can cause their parents or caregivers to lose focus on safe driving.

In this episode, host Jessica Stewart Gonzalez sits down with Jesse Torrez, the Director of Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, and Gabby Gallegos, the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety Occupant Protection Coordinator, to help parents focus on safety and handle distractions while driving with kids.

The Kid-Friendly Party Guide – S4E1

Are you planning to have a party with family and friends? We have a guide to help make sure your celebration is safe for kids who may be in attendance. Jessica sits down with Emily Flanigan, the Program Strategy Specialist of Children’s Health at First Things First, to discuss how to keep kids safe during family gatherings, especially when alcohol and breakable dishes are involved.

Health Plans for Kids – S3 E2

The health and safety of children is a top priority for families. Enrolling in health insurance makes going to the doctor much more accessible. But it can be difficult to find an insurance plan that meets your little ones’ needs and fits your family budget.

We visit with Mark Schafer, the Program Support Administrator at the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, to discuss the low-cost health program called the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Learn the ins and outs of coverage options and how your family can enroll.

The Role of Dads – Part 3 – S2 E9

Dad figures play an important role not just in their immediate family, but in their broader community, too. Hear how involved dads can enrich the lives of children, help kids make better decisions, and prepare them for success later in life.

Allan Stockellburg speaks with host Jessica Stewart-Gonzalez for the third and final part of a three-episode series on fatherhood. He shares research that explains why involved dads are good for communities and families.

The Role of Dads – Part 2 – S2 E8

One of the most important relationships when raising a child is the relationship you have with your co-parent. Any partnership can lead to disagreements on the “right” way to do things but it’s important to recognize that children benefit from learning different approaches to life from both their mom and dad.

Allan Stockellburg rejoins host Jessica Stewart-Gonzalez for the second part of a three-episode series on fatherhood. They talk about why communication and understanding between parents are key to building a positive environment for your little one, and the differences between maternal and paternal parenting styles.

The Role of Dads – Part 1 – S2 E7

There’s a reason they say it takes a village to raise a child. And that village usually looks different for every family. Positive role models can help our little ones explore and learn more about themselves and their world. Today, we talk about the role dads play in that exploration and how they can help kids see the world from a new perspective.

Host Jessica Stewart-Gonzalez speaks with “Dad Guru” Allan Stockellburg, the executive director of Parent Aid, about fatherhood, what makes a “dad,” and how to embrace and introduce your child to role models who will push them to learn and grow.

Goal-Setting Tips for Parents – S2 E1

A new year brings new goals! But sticking with those goals, especially for busy parents, can be difficult. Between diaper changes and meal prepping, personal time for mom and dad can slip to the backburner. But it doesn’t have to be that way!

Olivia DeLong, senior health editor at BabyCenter, and a mom herself, joins the podcast with some time management hacks to help you achieve your 2022 goals. Join host Jessica Stewart-Gonzalez as you learn how to write an achievable new year resolution!

Let’s Make Learning Fun! – S1 E24

Toys and games aren’t just for fun and entertainment. They can also help your little ones grow and develop, turning playtime into a learning experience! With thousands of toys available online, knowing simply what kinds of toys are developmentally appropriate isn’t always easy.

That’s where this episode can help! Jessica Stewart-Gonzalez talks with pediatric occupational therapist and toy blogger Keri Wilmot, who offers her tips to help you find toys that fit your child’s developmental needs. She also tells us how playtime and education go hand in hand.